Tengo un problema místico-religioso
Y como decía
un catalán burgués:
“El que tiene tres
y gasta como
si tuviera dos,
Es más rico
que el que tiene seis,
y gasta como
si tuviera siete”
Tengo el
problema filosófico-matemático
Con el que
nací y tuve toda una vida para resolver
Ir del punto
A al B, donde A es la fuente de luz…
disminuye con el cuadrado de la distancia
Como no
tengo otra cosa que hacer
acaricio a mi gato
y el pobre quiere comprender,
¿Por qué el
amor es barato?
I have a mystical-religious problem And as a
bourgeois Catalan used to say: "He who has three, And spends as if he had
two, Is richer than he who has six, And spends as if he had seven."
I have the philosophical-mathematical problem With
which I was born and had a lifetime to solve Going from point A to B, where A
was the source of light... ...That diminishes with the square of the distance.
Since I have nothing else to do I pet my cat And
the poor thing wants to understand, Why is love so cheap?
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